Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Saturday, March 1, 2014, 2:00 PM, San Leandro Main Library

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain

Susan Cain was born in 1968 and attended Princeton University and Harvard Law School. She worked as a corporate lawyer and a negotiations consultant before withdrawing from the corporate world to become a full-time homemaker, writer, and public speaker. She maintains a website about her past work and ongoing work for the "Quiet Revolution. She also has a blog with an associated forum that you can join to read about and discuss topics dear to the hearts of introverts. I was first introduced to the ideas of Susan Cain by a friend who pointed me to the TED Talk that Ms. Cain references in the book.

Introvert versus Extrovert

At her website, Susan Cain has posted a link to an online version of the introvert/extrovert quiz that she included in Quiet. However, I thought that quiz was a little too polarized, so I found one I thought was more nuanced in an article on The article also contains links to other topics about introversion and extraversion, personality type, etc.

Open-Office Floor Plans

It just so happens that right about the time that a good friend of mine was mourning a move by her company from a semi-enclosed work space—with cubicles and small offices—to a completely open floor plan, I came across this article in The New Yorker about the hazards of open offices spaces. Since Susan Cain also mentions open floor plans as a contributor to "groupthink," I thought you might be interested in that article.